A Happy MOMents poster

HappyMOMents- THE local network for Moms

A Guest blog by the HappyMOMents Team.

HappyMOMents is a voluntary community group set up by a group of local
women, most of them moms and professionals, who were frustrated by the
lack of social and educational opportunities for themselves, their babies and
toddlers locally. Since the demise of local children’s centres and Surestart,
there has been very little provision for postnatal care and opportunities for
moms including classes and stay and play sessions for young children.
HappyMOMents is works alongside Kirklees Council, Locala Thriving Kirklees 0-
19 Health Visiting Service and NHS Midwifery amongst others, to provide more
opportunities for moms & their little ones locally.
So where did all this begin? Two of our group set up an informal stay & play
session at the LifeHub in December 2018. The best thing about these stay &
play sessions was the opportunity to speak to other moms and realising that
we were ALL frustrated about the same things (lack of local provision). We
first connected with other moms via a broadcast list which grew into a
WhatsApp group. This proved hugely successful with over 1000 moms who
now access HappyMOMents via WhatsApp, Facebook, social media & now our
Our playgroup at the LifeHub came to an end but we started to work in
partnership with Field Lane JI&N School, who were pleased to offer us the
unused spaces of Batley East Children’s Centre. We roped in a few friends to
help with the stay & play sessions on Thursday mornings and so The
HappyMOMents Team formed a Constituted Group in January 2019.
Moms using HappyMOMents’ services have told us that they feel less socially
isolated, they have increased confidence, it has helped with the challenges of
parenting and seeking advice. We have liaised with various agencies to
improve the opportunities here in Batley & Dewsbury, with the fantastic
support of Hilary Towers-Islam, the Headteacher of Field Lane School. Our
tagline is ‘Inspiring Moms Across Batley & Dewsbury’ because moms have told
us that sessions & classes need to be accessible locally for them.

See our website happymoments.org.uk for more details on:
 Local & up to date Stay & Play Schedules including baby weigh venues
(please see attached schedule for the latest version)
 Baby massage and Sensory Play Classes
 Emotional Wellbeing- local information and sessions on wellbeing for
 Weekend clubs by local providers
We also have a new support group specifically for single moms in the area who
can be particularly isolated and vulnerable due to their own circumstances. If
you are a single mom, please get in touch so we can help to support you and
your children with social opportunities and information. Please contact 07796
670624 to join this growing group.
To join our WhatsApp network, please message our admin number on 07796
670624 or find us on social media:
All of our committee love knowing that we have helped someone, and we
believe that to help a fellow mother is to help a whole family and a whole
generation. So, join us on this whirlwind adventure into motherhood right
here in Batley & Dewsbury, where we can improve our community, our
children’s futures and our own wellbeing by connecting with each other and
sharing what we know. If you have experience in working with children and
would like to volunteer please contact our admin number 07796 670624.

We are entirely volunteer led and have been fortunate to receive much in kind
support. Some of our costs are covered through grants but we are always in
need of funding. We would appreciate your donations and if you would like to
support local moms and families through the work we do then please donate
via our admin number.

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